


       Jewish convicts arriving in 1788 were among the first settlers in Australia.  By 1841 there were over 1,000 Jews residing on the continent.  Subsequently, there were several waves of immigration:  1850's as the result of the discovery of gold; a number of Eastern European Jews between 1891-1911 due to the pogroms in Europe; German refugees in the 1930s; and displaced persons after World War II.  The first synagogue was constructed in Sydney in 1844.  In the 1986 census, 69,000 persons declared themselves Jewish by religion.  It is estimated that the actual number is closer to 100,000.




        The above postcard depicts the Ballarat Hebrew Congregation (Shearith Israel) established in 1853.  Ballarat is a town north of Melbourne.  The pictured synagogue was consecrated in 1861.  The watercolor is from an illuminated address presented by the Victorian Jewish Community to Sir Benjamin Benjamin, Lord Mayor of Melbourne, in honor of his Knighthood in 1889.




                The above postcard depicts the Geelong Hebrew Congregation (Shearith Israel) established in 1849.  Geelong is a town south of Melbourne.  The pictured synagogue was consecrated in 1861.  The watercolor is from an illuminated address presented by the Victorian Jewish Community to Sir Benjamin Benjamin, Lord Mayor of Melbourne, in honor of his Knighthood in 1889.


    The Jewish community in Melbourne dates from the founding of the city in 1835.

    Mikvah Israel


       The above postcard depicts the East Melbourne Hebrew Congregation (Mikvah Israel) established in 1857.   The pictured synagogue was consecrated in 1877.  The watercolor is from an illuminated address presented by the Victorian Jewish Community to Sir Benjamin Benjamin, Lord Mayor of Melbourne, in honor of his Knighthood in 1889.

    Shearith Israel


               The above postcard depicts the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation (Shearith Israel) established in 1841.  The pictured synagogue was consecrated in 1855.  The watercolor is from an illuminated address presented by the Victorian Jewish Community to Sir Benjamin Benjamin, Lord Mayor of Melbourne, in honor of his Knighthood in 1889.


    The Jewish community in Sydney dates from the founding of the city in 1788.  The Jewish community in Sydney today is estimated to be about 35,000.   The postcard below depicts the Great Synagogue of Sydney, which was consecrated in 1878.



Encyclopedia Judaica, 3:877-887; 11:1285; 11:1277-86; 15:563-64


Copyright © 1998-99 Edward Victor