
Philatelic Materials


    Augsburg was a city in Bavaria, and the location of various forced labor camps which were subcamps of Dachau.

Postal Stationery

    Below are thumbnails of the front and back of three examples of postal stationery from various labor camps located in Augsburg.  Postal stationery is defined in Lordahl as postcards with a pre-printed stamp as referenced in the Michel Ganzsachen Catalogue.  The first postcard is postmarked October 29, 1944, from a Polish worker, Andrzei Kulikowski, at the RHW Werke factory, and is identified in Lordahl as PS 2991.  The second postcard is postmarked December 8, 1944, from a Polish worker, Aldona Brylak, at Gemeinschaftslager "Alex", and is identified in Lordahl as PS 314II/09.  The third postcard is postmarked January 6, 1945, from a polish worker at another factory in Augsburg and is identified in Lordahl as PS 3MII/09.  Please click on the thumbnail to see the full image, and then click your back key or "Postal Stationery" in the left frame to return.

Augsburg_PS_1_1.jpg (77984 bytes) Augsburg_PS_1_2.jpg (65235 bytes)

Augsburg_PS_2_1.jpg (72188 bytes) Augsburg_PS_2_2.jpg (64123 bytes)

Augsburg_PS_3_1.jpg (71265 bytes) Augsburg_PS_3_2.jpg (62711 bytes)


Erik Lordahl, German Concentration Camps 1933-1945, History and Inmate Mail (2000).  Referred to as Lordahl.

Copyright © 2001 Edward Victor