Raanana, Israel



    Raanana is a city north of Tel Aviv.  The town was started in April 1922 by a group of Jewish immigrants sponsored by Achuza A-New York, which was a company promoting agricultural settlements in Palestine.  At the time of the founding of the State of Israel, the town consisted of 300 residents.  Today, it is a city of 70,000.


    Below are thumbnails of eight postcards of synagogues in Raanana.  These postcards were provided through the courtesy of Stuart Elgrod of Raanana.  The synagogues in order of appearance are as follows: (1) Heichal Uriel Synagogue; (2) Shivtei Yisrael Synagogue; (3) The Great Synagogue; (4) Moreshet Ayot-Yad Naomi Synagogue; (5) Heichal Binyamin Synagogue; (6) Shalom Yoseph Synagogue; (7) Achim Synagogue; and (8) Etzion Synagogue.  Please click on the thumbnail to see the full image, and then click your back key or "Postcards" in the left frame to return.



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